9–11 May 2007
Europe/Berlin timezone
After the overwhelming success of the first GISAXS-Workshop 10.-12. May 2005 here at HASYLAB we will continue with the 2nd workshop on GISAXS as an advanced scattering method. Grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS) is a powerful method to investigate the structure and morphology of thin films and interfaces. Applications range from hard to soft condensed matter, from colloidal systems, cluster structures and quantum dots to technological (bio)polymeric coatings. Especially the advent of 3rd generation synchrotron radiation source like ESRF and PETRA III using the combination of GISAXS with micro- and nanofocused beams leads to the development of novel methods like µGISAXS and nanoGISAXS. These methods show an ever increasing user community!

This workshop addresses students, experienced researchers, senior scientists working in the field of and exploiting the potentials of GISAXS in the area of thin film technology. The programme is devided in two parts: Introductory lectures will be combined with expert lectures by leading experts scientists of grazing incidence technology and application. In the second part of the workshop we will focus hands-on GISAXS experiments: practical data acquisition, on-line treatment and simulation of GISAXS data. The practical training will be held at the beamline BW4 at the DORIS III storage ring at HASYLAB.

If you want to be kept updated or to let us know your interest in this workshop, please send a short email to Stephan Roth (HASYLAB). All programme details and the registration will follow soon! Looking forward to welcome you here!

Please note, that registration AND lectures take place in Buildg 28c

Please note, that the invited speakers' talks (pdf-files) are allowed to be downloaded. In order to download the talks, a login is required and available for the participants of this workshop. Please contact the organizers.
Bldg. 28c
Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg Germany
Conference secretary: Mrs. Stolper, Maya (maya.stolper@desy.de)

The workshop fee will be 30€ (40€ for registration after deadline, but latest until 30-04-2007), which includes the workshop dinner on May 09, 2007.

The workshop language will be English.

Due to the large number of inscription we decided close the workshop registration before the final deadline 30.04.2007.