PETRA III Extension Workshop

FLASH seminar room (Bldg. 28c) (DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany)

FLASH seminar room (Bldg. 28c)

DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany

The new PETRA III facility at DESY, designed to become one of the world's most brilliant hard X-ray storage ring light source, is currently coming to life and has very recently delivered the first X-ray beam into the experiment hall. The undulator beamlines at PETRA III are in their final construction phase and first test experiments are planned for late summer this year. Operation for user experiments is expected to start in 2010. Once this new facility is operating in full user mode, it is planned to shut down DORIS III by the end of 2012. This shutdown will discontinue a number of very successful beamlines and instruments which serve techniques not currently being implemented at PETRA III. In order to carry on these activities in the future and to provide competitive beamlines and instrumentation for techniques not requiring ultimate brilliance, DESY plans to build additional beamlines at PETRA III. It is the aim of this workshop to discuss options for further beamlines and instruments at PETRA III in addition to the 14 undulator beamlines currently under construction with our user community. Contact: Wolfgang Caliebe (wolfgang.caliebe {at} Wolfgang Drube (wolfgang.drube {at}
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