PIER Career Week: Communication and Conflict Management for PhD Students

Online via Zoom

Online via Zoom

Maike Staben

++++ ONLINE WORKSHOP 26-27 OCTOBER 2020 ++++

Workshop Description:

After completing this seminar you will know how to work through common everyday communication roadblocks. Upon completion, students will be able to confidently improve their professional communication skills when communicating at all levels.

The entire ability to communicate is shown in conflict resolution. In this training, the students learn which different conflict styles exist and what they have to do with whether and how a conflict can be resolved. It will be about your own attitude to and in conflict.

Conflicts are not always solvable. But they are inevitable and often even useful for further co-operation. You become acquainted with reasons for conflict and get mediated methods as well as helpful tools to resolve communication barriers as well as conflicts. The workshop is based on your own experience and practical cases and is thus based on your daily scientific routine.


This workshop is part of the research and career skills curriculum of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School and its cooperation partners on Bahrenfeld Campus/DESY.

The workshops are usually one- or two-day courses for a maximum number of 15 participants and are offered once or twice a year. The trainers are carefully selected experts with many years of experience in teaching scientists. Some of the workshops are open for postdocs.

Many of the workshops of the research and career skills curriculum are a cooperation between the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School and its partner organisations and institutes such as the Quantum Universe Research School QURS, the Collaborative Research Center SFB 925, The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging CUI, the International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics IMPRS-UFAST, the Centre for Structural Systems Biology CSSB, and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL.