17–18 Jun 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

EuPRAXIA is a conceptual design study for a "European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications" aiming to generate electron beams of 1 to 5 GeV energy across multiple beamlines using plasma accelerator technology. Among other radiation and particle sources, it is intended to offer two short-wavelength Free Electron Laser beamlines. The facility is envisioned to be a distributed infrastructure with two main machine sites: one in Germany focusing on laser-driven plasma electron acceleration, and another one in Italy based on particle-driven plasma electron accelerator technology.


This workshop gathers a selection of potential pilot users of these future Free Electron Laser sources with the aim to discuss the current facility design, potential opportunities and possible more specific requests.


If you have any topics or ideas that you would like to present in a short 5-minute time frame during the workshop, please send us an abstract to eupraxia-admin@desy.de using the abstract template.


Chairs : M. E. Couprie, G. Dattoli, F. Nguyen, M. Ferrario, R. Assmann

Local Organising Committee: Francesca Casarin, Martina Luciani, Andrea Mostacci, Francesco Stellato.

Lifestyle VOI Donna Camilla Savelli Hotel - Rome Trastevere area Via Garibaldi 27 - 00153 Rome

This event is by invitation only.