Please register here for the Resilience-Seminar.
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Bitte registrieren Sie sich hier für die Teilnahme an dem Resilience-Seminar.
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CFEL Bldg.99
Luruper Chaussee 149 22761 Hamburg

Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter

Occupational Health Management


Univ.- Doz. Dr. Gernot Langs
Schön Klinik Bad Bramstedt

Resilience: scientific background and its implications for our every-day life

Resilience and burnout both are not well defined concepts. But whereas theories about the development of a burnout-syndrom stress pathological pathways, theories about resilience are based on the concept of salutogenesis: two sides of the same coin?

However, if you look into scientific researchthere is a paucity of results in relation to the number of publications. In this seminar results from latest research and its implications for further studies and everyday life will be presented.