The notion of a generalized complex manifold was introduced by Hitchin as a common framework in which complex manifolds and symplectic manifolds can be described from a unified perspective.
Deformations of a projective variety X, considered as a generalised complex manifold, provide an extended deformation theory of X that agrees with the first order deformations of the category of coherent sheaves on X.
In this seminar we will first study fundamentals of generalised geometry and derived categories in order to be able to look at this coincidence.
We will then consider further notions of generalised geometry, like generalized Kähler or generalized Calabi-Yau structures, and the generalized Ricci flow, and look at applications to physics, in particular cosmic inflation.

We plan to talk about generalized complex structures and their deformations (2 talks) , derived categories and their deformations (2 talks) and then the generalised Ricci flow (2 talks).