
  • Annika Eichler
  • Gohar Ayvazyan
  • Holger Schlarb

The IPC-seminar serves as information and exchange platform for scientific computing within the accelerator division. Target audience are scientists, engineer’s, postdocs, master and bachelor students working on data analysis & data mining, fault diagnosis & supervisory control or data-driven advance feedbacks using modern statistics, machine learning algorithm and artificial intelligence methods. The seminar should provide a low-threshold hub for presenting your results, to address challenges, and for disseminating knowledge on controls, computing, data-acquisition and software-structures relevant for your work. We also include tutorials on methods, advanced processing techniques, software frameworks & languages to leverage our scientific computing efforts toward autonomous and higher performance accelerators.

Meeting takes place in 30b/ Sem. 459
Virtual access via zoom:
Meeting-ID: 321 562 3178
Kenncode: 426314

Contacts: A. Eichler, H. Schlarb, R. Kammering, I. Agapov

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