The Open Stack Cloud Computing Platform at CERN

by Dr Ricardo Rocha (CERN)

SR3 (DESY Hamburg)


DESY Hamburg

In the continuous process of keeping the DESY computing infrastructure 'state of the art', the IT group is setting up a pilot Cloud Management Framework (CMF), as one building block in the overall picture of providing automated Infrastructure as a Service. IaaS allows end users or group administrators to easily create the scientific platforms for their daily work and to provision the amount of used resource more precisely to there their exact needs, with a minimum of administrative overhead. As CERN is running such a system (Open Stack) for a couple of years already, we invited, Ricardo Rocha, a prominent member of that CERN group, to enlighten us with the status of that endeavor, the common use cases and the pros and possibly limits of a such a CMF system. Please take advance of that unique opportunity to get a realistic insight into that new paradigm in professional computing. Some details on Ricardos CV : Ricardo joined CERN in 2003 as part of his Computer Engineering degree focusing on Grid Computing. The next 10 years he worked on several WLCG projects covering monitoring and visualization of experiment workloads and data management (FTS and DPM). He has rejoined CERN in April after a 2 year break helping build an OpenStack/CEPH based cloud in New Zealand.