DESY/Hamburg U. String Theory Seminar

Symmetries and Universal Structures of the AdS2 x S2 Worldsheet S-matrix

by Antonio Pittelli (University of Surrey)

Seminar Room 2 (DESY, building 2a)

Seminar Room 2

DESY, building 2a

We find the worldsheet S-matrix for the massive modes of the AdS2xS2xT6 superstring and derive its infinite dimensional Y[gl_c(1|1)] yangian symmetry. We build up the evaluation representation for the yangian charges and spell out its connections with co-commutativity and shortening conditions. We also study the S-matrix strong coupling limit, which provides the corresponding classical r-matrix and its Lie bialgebra structure; as well as the weak coupling Bethe equations, reducing to those of free fermions on a periodic spin chain.