DESY/Hamburg U. String Theory Seminar

Supersymmetric Defects in 3d N=2 Theory and 3d SL(N, C) Chern-Simons Theory

by Masahito Yamazaki (University of Tokyo)

Seminar Room 2 (DESY, building 2a)

Seminar Room 2

DESY, building 2a

I will discuss knot-like defects inside a 3d SL(N,C) Chern-Simons theory defined on a 3-manifold. Thanks to the so-called 3d-3d correspondence, this can also be analyzed in 3d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories, in 5d SYM, and then in M-theory holographic dual. We first comment on the discrete labels for the defects, and then on concrete computations of the partition functions. The consistency between different partition functions is non-trivial, and sometimes gives new predictions.