DESY/Hamburg U. String Theory Seminar

Bootstrapping the 6d N=(2,0) theory

by Madalena Lemos (DESY)

Seminar Room 2 (DESY, building 2a)

Seminar Room 2

DESY, building 2a

The conformal bootstrap program has been very successful recently as an approach to study conformal field theories, without needing to resort to any Lagrangian description. In this talk I will describe the application of this method to six-dimensional N=(2,0) superconformal field theories. Consistency of the four-point function of the stress tensor multiplet yields numerical bounds on OPE coefficients and on operator dimensions. We find evidence that the so-called A1 theory has the lowest possible allowed central charge for an interacting theory, implying that the stress tensor four-point function of this theory is the unique solution to the crossing equations for this central charge. Using this we estimate the scaling dimensions of the lightest operators appearing in the stress tensor OPE.