The "CERN-BINP workshop for young scientists in e+e- colliders" is organised in the framework of the EU-funded CREMLIN project. The CREMLIN project aims at strengthening science cooperation between six Russian megascience facilities and related research infrastructure counterparts in Europe. BINP and CERN coordinate a dedicated CREMLIN work package focusing on a future super-charm-tau factory (SCT) at BINP. SCT aims at producing e+e- collisions with up to 5 GeV centre-of-mass energy and at very high luminosity. In parallel CERN is hosting design studies for two possible high-energy e+e- colliders: FCC-ee and CLIC. In matters of physics, design and technologies the BINP and CERN studies address technological and scientific questions of common interest. Similar issues are dealt with in the framework of other flavour factories and energy frontier e+e- colliders worldwide. The 3-day workshop provides young scientists (at the student and postdoc level) opportunities to present their work and exchange experiences. The program will be complemented with a series of lectures and various CERN site visits. Young scientists working on e+e- collider studies, whether flavour factories or energy frontier machines, are welcome to join.
The Registration Fee is 80 CHF - payable in cash at the registration desk.
Abstract submission is now closed; topical sessions:
• Accelerator design and technologies
• Detector design and technologies
• Physics and computing
Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the "CERN proceedings" series.
Workshop dinner Tuesday 23rd at the UN beach club: take your swim suits!
The Registration Fee is 80 CHF - payable in cash at the registration desk.
Abstract submission is now closed; topical sessions:
• Accelerator design and technologies
• Detector design and technologies
• Physics and computing
Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the "CERN proceedings" series.
Workshop dinner Tuesday 23rd at the UN beach club: take your swim suits!