SFB 676 Colloquium

Relative locality of quantum spacetime

by Prof. Laurent Freidel (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

Room 2, Building 2a (DESY Hamburg)

Room 2, Building 2a

DESY Hamburg

In this talk I will describe the fundamental tension that forbids us in my view to reconcile gravity with the quantum. I will explain how this tension forces us to profoundly revise the concept of locality and that this can be done by letting go of the hypothesis of Absolute locality. I will formulate what relaxing this hypothesis means and will describe our attempts to flesh out the concept of relative locality. I will also exemplify what relative locality is into specific examples. In particular, we will show how these ideas allow us to natural interpret geometrically the T-duality symmetry of string theory. This symmetry will be seen as relativistic change of frame in a modular space, a notion of space that replaces Minkowski for quantum geometry. I will also show how the geometry of relative locality is intimately linked with generalized geometry and the geometry of quantum mechanics via a natural structure on phase space called Born geometry. Finally, and if time permits, I will comment how relative locality can shade a bright new light on the problem of unification.
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