
Multi-scale Geometric Analysis of 3D Images

by Ofer Levi, Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel

Bldg. 25b, Rm. 456

Bldg. 25b, Rm. 456

Three-dimensional volumetric data are becoming increasingly available in a wide range of scientific and technical disciplines. With the right tools, we can expect such data to yield valuable insights about many important systems in our three-dimensional world. This work presents new multi-scale geometric tools for both analysis and synthesis of 3D data which may be scattered or observed in voxel arrays, which are typically very noisy, and which may contain one-dimensional structures such as line segments and filaments or two-dimensional structures such as plane patches and smooth manifolds. These tools mainly rely on two kinds of transforms: The 3D Beamlet Transform offering the collection of line integrals along a strategic multi-scale set of line segments (Beamlets) running through the image at different orientations, positions, and lengths, and the 3D Planelet Transform offering the collection of plane integrals over a strategic multi-scale set of plane patches (Planelets). Fast advanced fft based algorithms for line and plan integration make it possible to analyze even moderately large 3D digital images. Several basic applications for these tools will be presented, for example, in finding faint structures buried in noisy data as well as segmentation of 3D smooth objects with extremely low SNR.