
PIER Photon Science Colloquium: Advancements in combining microfluidics and x-ray technology

by Stephan Förster (Universität Bayreuth)

Bldg. 28c, seminar room

Bldg. 28c, seminar room

Microfluidics has developed into an established experimental technology. Driven by demands in micro-bioanalytics (“lab-on-a-chip”) and chemical microreactor engineering, microfluidic devices for handling liquid volumes down to picoliters have became available. Similarly, miniaturization in x-ray optics has made impressive progress in recent years. At dedicated beamlines of third-generation synchrotrons x-ray beams with widths deep in the sub-micrometer range have been realized. The combination of microfluidics with micro-x-ray technology is currently developed into a powerful experimental methodology suitable for in-situ kinetic investigations down to time-scales of microseconds that have so far not been accessible.