
PIER Photon Science Colloquium: Transient electronic structure and ultrafast dynamics of solids

by Martin Wolf (Fritz-Haber-Institute, Department of Physical Chemistry, Berlin)

CFEL Lecture Hall, Bldg. 99 (DESY Hamburg)

CFEL Lecture Hall, Bldg. 99

DESY Hamburg

The electronic properties of complex materials are often governed by strong electron-phonon coupling and many-body correlation effects leading to phenomena like metal-insulator transitions or superconductivity and the formation of broken symmetry ground states. We use time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy for a systematic study of the tri-telluride CDW system to probe directly the resulting transient evolution of the electronic structure and the collective phonon dynamics of the system through their influence on the quasiparticle band structure. Furthermore we investigate the prospects of low-energy excitations (coherent phonons or magnons) to optically control and probe transient states of matter: Examples are the control of the amplitude mode in DyTe3 by two-pulse excitation, probing the photoinduced phase transition in VO2 by coherent phonons and THz pumping of optical magnons in NiO by the magnetic field of light.