XAFS16 Satellite Meeting - Data acquisition, treatment, storage – quality assurance in XAFS spectroscopy

Seminarroom Bldg. 28c (DESY Hamburg)

Seminarroom Bldg. 28c

DESY Hamburg

Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
Several meetings and workshops in the past addressed the topic of quality assurance in XAFS spectroscopy. The latest of them was the Q2XAFS workshop in Tsukuba, Japan in December 2011. The upcoming Satellite Meeting is intended to give an overview about the current status and to continue the discussions about quality management systems in XAFS spectroscopy.
List of topics:
- Spectra evaluation
- Software developments
- Data storage / status of the HDR-initiative
- Archiving and presentation of EXAFS data
- Instrumental developments / Standardisation
- Special demands of industrial applications

Participants will also have the opportunity to visit the new EXAFS beamlines in the PETRA extension which are expected to be in the commissioning phase at the time of the workshop.

Invited speaker:
Each session will be opened by one invited talk. The following speakers confirmed their participation:
Bruce Ravel| National Institute of Standards and Technology, Upton NY, USA
Chris T. Chantler | School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia
Matt Newville | University of Chicago CARS, Chigaco, USA
Valerie Briois| French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris, France

Edmund Welter Phone: +49 40 8998 4510 e- Mail: edmund.welter@desy.de

Roman Chernikov | DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Wolfgang Caliebe| DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Eugen Wintersberger| DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Konstantin Klementiev | Maxlab, Malö, Sweden
Stefan Mangold | ANKA, Karlsruhe, Germany
Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht | Uni-Wuppertal, Germany
Hiroyuki Oyanagi| KEK, Japan

Christine Fricke | christine.fricke@desy.de
Registration is open until Friday, August 7.
Please note: Travel time between Hamburg and Karlsruhe the place of the main conference is about 4.5 h using the highspeed train connection via Frankfurt.
Linkt to www.xafs16.org