29 September 2008 to 2 October 2008
Europe/Berlin timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.
Welcome to the first Terascale Statistics Tools school :-) Our exciting programe consists of: - Plenary lectures... in general the aim is to cover the most important statistics related tasks/problems relevant for LHC data analyses - Special highlight talks - Practical work on exemplary problems. For this we will distribute the participants in groups of 20-25 persons. The group work is conducted by tutors. A part of the group work is performed at the computer (will be provided by us) Please take note: - The school fee is 25 Euro: This includes all nutrition costs (cookies, coffee, barbecue, etc.) - Accomodation: A limited number of rooms has been preserved at the DESY hostel http://guest-services.desy.de/hostel_in_hamburg. Please book yourself. Further information - see also http://www.terascale.de/stat2008
Sem FEL Hall, bld 28c