26–28 Nov 2008
RWTH Aachen
Europe/Berlin timezone
After the very successful kick-off workshop in Dec 2007, the Alliance workshop this year will focus more on the activities of the Alliance. Time is provided for parallel sessions of the LHC-D working groups as well as for the other Alliance activities: Detector development, Grid computing, Accelerator research. Local organisers: Prof. Michael Krämer, Prof. Achim Stahl Scientific Programme: Dr. Ties Behnke, Prof. Klaus Desch, Prof. Robert Harlander The symposium on Wednesday will be held in the "Berlin Saal", Eurogress Aachen (www.eurogress-aachen.de) The parallel session on Thursday will be held in the Super-C next to the RWTH main building, and the plenary session on Friday in the Aula of the RWTH main building. The registration fee for the meeting is 30 EUR and should be paid in cash on arrival.
RWTH Aachen