22–26 Jun 2015
Paraninfo, Universidad de Zaragoza
Europe/Berlin timezone

Light Dark Matter in the NOvA Near Detector, a first look at the new data.

23 Jun 2015, 13:00
Aula Magna (Paraninfo, Universidad de Zaragoza)

Aula Magna

Paraninfo, Universidad de Zaragoza

Plaza Basilio Paraiso 4, 50004 Zaragoza


Dr Athanasios Hatzikoutelis (University of Tennessee)


The neutrino oscillations experiment NOvA is the flagship of Fermi National Laboratory. The neutrino source NuMI is delivering record numbers of protons-on-target surpassing the most stringent dark matter production upper limits of current models in the under-10 GeV mass range. We take advantage of the sophisticated particle identification algorithms of the experiment to interrogate the data from the 300-ton, off-axis, low-Z, Near Detector of NOvA during the experiment’s first physics runs. We search for signatures of Dark Matter, Axion-like-particles, and Heavy or Sterile Neutrino that may scatter or decay in the volume of the detector.

Primary author

Dr Athanasios Hatzikoutelis (University of Tennessee)

Presentation materials