1 October 2015
Building 30.10, KIT (Campus South)
Europe/Berlin timezone

From seismic stations to integrated data centers and computational facilities

1 Oct 2015, 11:30
Lecture Hall NTI (Building 30.10, KIT (Campus South))

Lecture Hall NTI

Building 30.10, KIT (Campus South)


Javier Quinteros (GFZ Potsdam)


GEOFON is a component of the Scientific Infrastructure at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) [1]. GEOFON operates a global real-time seismic network, a seismological archive and provides rapid global earthquake information. It is also part of the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA) [2]. EIDA today is a distributed data archive with 10 institutions, 5000 stations and 300 TB of data that process more than 100.000 daily data requests and sends between 100-300 GB of daily data if an important earthquake took place. The EIDA system is a also a fundamental service/component of EPOS Seismology within the European Plate Observing System [3]. One of the challenges for GEOFON/EIDA is not the amount of data to store but, despite our complete decentralized approach, to make the federation look as a single data centre from the user perspective. In particular, integrating new data centres continuously. For the near future, we plan to add two new functionalities: 1) reproducibility of datasets. Namely, to be able to reconstruct the data sent at a particular moment in time. With the number of requests and (meta)data changing often during its initial phase, this is a challenge for our "Dynamic Data" developments. 2) find the best way to join big data requests and processing tools at computational facilities, where this will be processed. We are actively working in the context of the EUDAT2020 [4] project to provide these services to our community. [1] http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/ [2] http://www.orfeus-eu.org/eida/eida.html [3] http://www.epos-eu.org/ [4] http://eudat.eu/

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