New Nonlinear Optical Materials for the Mid-Infrared
Peter G. Schunemann(BAE Systems, Inc., Nashua, USA)
CFEL Building (99), Ground Floor, SR III (DESY Hamburg)
CFEL Building (99), Ground Floor, SR III
DESY Hamburg
Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg
Mid-infrared nonlinear optical crystals have matured in the last twenty-five years from scientific curiosities into practical robust materials generating efficient laser output in the 2-12 micron spectral range. ZnGeP2 (ZGP) in particular has emerged as the NLO material of choice for frequency conversion between 2µm and 8µm. ZGP, however, still has two main limitations: 1) its transparency and phase-matching range make it incompatible with 1- and 1.5µm laser pumping; and 2) its usefulness for generating output in the 8-12µm is limited by severe multi-phonon absorption. These limitations have been overcome by several new mid-infrared nonlinear crystals: CdSiP2 (CSP) is a bulk birefringent chalcopyrite analog of ZGP grown by horizontal gradient freeze growth in a transparent furnace. Its larger band gap (512 nm) and birefringence allows for 1- and 1.5-µm pumping, and its nonlinear coefficient and thermal conductivity are dramatically higher than existing materials. Orientation-patterned GaAs (OP-GaAs) and GaP (OP-GaP) are quasi-phase-matched. OP-GaAs has the highest gain among all QPM materials, and can be pumped at 2-m to generate output at 8-12 µm and beyond, whereas OP-GaP is a low-loss QPM ZGP analog than can be pumped with 1µm lasers.