Organizational meeting

2.003 Besprechungsraum (HISKP Bonn)

2.003 Besprechungsraum


Nussallee 14-16, 53111 Bonn, Germany
The idea is to read more papers, be aware about things which happens at HEP. Of course it takes time (my estimation is ~ one week for complete subject + cited basis + presentation). One of us reads a paper, investigates details (theoretical basis + experimental setup) and make 40 minutes presentations for people how are involved, 20 minutes questions should help the audience to clarify what was not clear. It gonna be like a small exam for person who prepares the talk, but for others it is unique possibility to really learn something and friendly ask any question to the speaker. If we have 20 participants, one presentation per week, it will take 5 months. So, you spend one week to prepare the chosen subject and an hour every week then to listen and ask. How to select the papers to read? I assume that the participants are experimentalist. So I suggest to start from the papers of last 30 years with number of citations > 500. The key word in the title is observation or measurement. The request for is find (title observation or title measurement) and cited:500->10000 and date > 1990 Then I leave only papers at hep-ex category. I got the list of papers, which is attached. The subjects there are neutrino oscillations, muon anomalous magnetic moment, XYZ states, higgs physics and many others.
 The seminars starts from 15.10.
It will hold at Besprechungsraum at 12:45, if we are able to reserve the room.

We will use pages to schedule the seminars.
Till the next Thursday I collect mails of people how want to participate, then the mail-list will be created.
You can come to my office 1.033 or send email saying that you are in and choosing the subject (from list I sent before or another known and important work).

First seminars are planed to be

  15.10 Mikhail Mikhasenko
"A measurement and the QCD analysis of the proton structure function f2 (x,q**2) at HERA"
"Combined measurement and QCD Analysis of the inclusive e+-scattering cross sections at HERA"

  22.10 Peter Klassen
"Observation of a narrow charmonium-like state in exclusive B+- -> K+- pi+ pi- J/psi decay" (Belle)

  29.10 Yannick Wunderlich
"Detection of B-Mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales by BICEP2" (BICEP2, Planck)
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