3–5 Feb 2016
LAL Orsay
Europe/Berlin timezone
For abstract submission use this INDICO page, registration for the WS is done at http://bit.ly/1LzyDkm

The Geneva FE-I4 Telescope

3 Feb 2016, 14:00
Auditorium (LAL Orsay)


LAL Orsay

200 Voie de la Faculté 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette France, Latitude: 48.699 North Longitude: 2.171 East


Mr Branislav Ristic (CERN / University of Geneva)


In 2014 an ATLAS FE-I4 based telescope was built and operated in various CERN PS and SPS testbeams. The 6 plane system consists of IBL like 150um planar pixel sensors (250x50um2 pitch) which are read out by the RCE DAQ system. This ensures fully synchronized data for FE-I4 compatible devices under test. The telescope triggers itself and allows for defining a region of interest, which especially for small DUTs increases the amount of usable data greatly. In combination with the centrally monitored and controlled DCS, including LV and HV supplies, cooling capabilities and remote DUT positioning via movable stages this forms a fully integrated system for detector characterization. Multiple ATLAS planar pixel sensors and HVCMOS as well as non-FE-I4 based devices have been successfully characterized over the last two years. A description of the telescope with latest results and upgrade plans will be presented.

Primary author

Mr Branislav Ristic (CERN / University of Geneva)

Presentation materials