Magnetic Materials in Synchrotron
and XFEL X-ray light.
VIII. Research Course on New X-Ray Sciences
February 18-20, 2009 at DESY Hamburg
Free-electron lasers for short-wavelength radiation and the latest generation of storage rings for the generation of hard X-ray synchrotron radiation are new light sources providing extremely high brilliance radiation. These novel sources allow for new experimental techniques, therefore enabling new scientific results. The DESY course shall provide basic knowledge about new directions of X-ray research and address Diploma (Master), PhD students and young research fellows. Detailed information about the program and how to apply can be found on the web.
The 8th course is dedicated to the investigation of structural and dynamical properties of magnetic materials using the properties of highly brilliant X-ray sources. Modern experimental techniques and scientific applications will be discussed.
The number of participants is limited. Applications for this course should be made not later than January 16, 2009.
You will receive a confirmation for your participation.
Y. Acremann (SLAC), M. Altarelli (European XFEL), H. Dürr (BESSY), J. Hill (NSLS),
S. Kevan (Oregon University), A. Kirilyuk (University Nijmegen), H.P. Oepen (Uni Hamburg),
R. Röhlsberger (DESY), A. Scherz (SLAC), C. Schüßler-Langeheine (Uni Köln),
S.K. Sinha (tbc) (UCSD San Diego), J. Strempfer (DESY), J. Viefhaus (DESY),
R. Wiesendanger (Uni Hamburg), H. Zabel (Uni Bochum)
C. Gutt (DESY), G. Grübel (DESY) and for any assistance M. Stolper