
Hertz Lecture | The Frontiers of Fundamental Physics

by Prof. Nathan Seiberg (IAS Princeton)

Auditorium (Bldg. 5) (DESY Hamburg)

Auditorium (Bldg. 5)

DESY Hamburg

In recent decades, physicists and astronomers have discovered two beautiful Standard Models, one for the quantum world of extremely short distances, and one for the universe as a whole. Both models have had spectacular success, but there are also strong arguments for new physics beyond these models. In this lecture, Seiberg will review these models, their successes and their shortfalls. He will describe how experiments in the near future could point to new physics suggesting a profound conceptual revolution, which could change our view of the world. Hertz Lectures: "With the Hertz lectures DESY reminds on the merits of Heinrich Hertz: He provided evidence that electricity and magnetism are two manifestations of one force - electromagnetism. Heinrich Hertz was born in 1857 in Hamburg. Many aspects of current particle physics at DESY follow the ideas of Heinrich Hertz, with the aim to achieve a unified description of all forces of nature. The English-speaking lectures by internationally renowned scientists to give a broad audience insight into the modern basic research."