
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Nanomembrane devices: from concepts to applications

by Oliver Schmidt (Institute for Integrative Nanosciences (IIN), Leibniz IFW Dresden e.V., Dresden, Germany)

CFEL, Bldg. 99 (DESY Hamburg)

CFEL, Bldg. 99

DESY Hamburg

Nanomembranes are thin, flexible, transferable and can be assembled into 3D micro- and nanoarchitectures. This makes them attractive for a broad range of applications and scientific research fields ranging from strain-tunable heterostructure devices to ultra-compact 3D systems both on and off the chip. Rolled-up nanomembranes can be exploited to rigorously compact electronic circuitry, create novel optical components and open up pathways towards entirely new biomedical applications .