30–31 Jan 2017
GSI Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

R&D status of the new superconducting CW heavy Ion LINAC@GSI

30 Jan 2017, 13:05
KBW Hörsaal (GSI Darmstadt)

KBW Hörsaal

GSI Darmstadt


Mr Markus Basten (IAP University Frankfurt am Main)


For future research in the field of Super Heavy Elements (SHE) a superconducting (sc) continuous wave (cw) ion LINAC with high intensity is highly desirable. Presently a multi-stage R&D program conducted by GSI, HIM and IAP is in progress. The fundamental linac design composes a high performance ion source, a new low energy beam transport line, the High Charge State Injector (HLI) upgraded for cw, and a matching line (1.4 MeV/u) followed by the new sc-DTL LINAC for acceleration up to 7.3 MeV/u. The successful commissioning of the first Crossbar-H-mode (CH) cavity (Demonstrator), in a vertical cryo module, was a major milestone in 2015. The next stage of the new sc cw heavy ion LINAC is the advanced demonstrator comprising a string of cavities and focusing elements build from several short constant-beta sc CH-cavities operated at 217 MHz. Currently the first two sc 8 gap CH-cavities are under construction at Research Instruments (RI), Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. The new design without girders and with stiffening brackets at the front and end cap potentially reduces the overall technical risks during the construction phase and the pressure sensitivity of the cavity. The recent status of the construction phase as well as an outlook for further cavity development of the new cw heavy ion LINAC will be presented.

Primary author

Mr Markus Basten (IAP University Frankfurt am Main)


Dr Florian Dziuba (GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt) Prof. Holger Podlech (IAP University Frankfurt am Main) Dr Maksym Miski-Oglu (GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt) Mr Malte Schwarz (IAP University Frankfurt am Main) Dr Manuel Heilmann (GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt) Dr Marco Busch (IAP University Frankfurt am Main) Dr Sascha Mickat (GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt) Dr Stepan Yaramyshec (GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt) Mr Viktor Gettmann (GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt) Dr Winfried Barth (GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt)

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