30–31 Jan 2017
GSI Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

Hit reconstruction in the CBM Silicon Tracking System

30 Jan 2017, 14:05
KBW Hörsaal (GSI Darmstadt)

KBW Hörsaal

GSI Darmstadt


Mrs Hanna Malygina (GSI; Goethe University Frankfurt)


The Silicon Tracking System (STS) is the main tracking appliance of the future Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment @FAIR. The STS employs double-sided silicon micro-strip sensors with double metal layers. Here, we describe the hit reconstruction in the STS. The unbiased cluster position finding algorithm simplifies the hit error estimation and yields a spatial resolution close to that obtained with the Centre-Of-Gravity algorithm. We have developed a method to estimate the hit position error, which includes the non-uniformity of an incident particle energy loss, the detector noise, the signal discretisation, and the error introduced by the cluster position finding algorithm. A reliable estimate of the hit position error is required to obtain a valid $\chi^2$ of the track, which is further used to discard ghost track candidates. This improves the signal-to-background ratio of the reconstructed physical signals. Both the hit pull (residual/error) and the track $\chi^2$ distributions verify the viability of the method: the pull width is about 1, its shape reproduce the shape of the residual distribution, mean of the $\chi^2$ distribution is unity.

Primary author

Mrs Hanna Malygina (GSI; Goethe University Frankfurt)

Presentation materials