30–31 Jan 2017
GSI Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

Search for Electric Dipole Moments at COSY in Jülich - Closed-Orbit influencing Effects

30 Jan 2017, 13:45
KBW Hörsaal (GSI Darmstadt)

KBW Hörsaal

GSI Darmstadt


Mrs Vera Schmidt (Forschungszentrum Jülich, IKP-4)


The observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe cannot be explained by the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics. In order to resolve the matter dominance an additional CP violating phenomenon is needed. A candiate for physics beyond the SM is a non-vanishing Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of subatomic particles at the level of 10^-28 - 10^-24 e*cm. Since permanent EDMs violate parity and time reversal symmetries, they are also CP violating if the CPT-theorem is assumed. The JEDI (Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations) collaboration in Jülich is preparing a direct EDM measurement of protons and deuterons first at the storage ring COSY (COoler Synchrotron) and later at a dedicated storage ring. Ensuring a precise measurement, various beam and spin manipulating effects have to be considered and investigated. A distortion of the closed orbit is one of the major sources for systematic uncertainties. Therefore misalignments of magnets and residual power supply oscillations are simulated to analyse their effect on the orbit. The simulation results will be presented during the talk.

Primary author

Mrs Vera Schmidt (Forschungszentrum Jülich, IKP-4)

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