XXIX Workshop Beyond the Standard Model

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef


The workshop focuses on recent developments in the theory of fundamental particles, the physics of the early universe, and mathematical physics. There will be four introductory pedagogical lectures as well as shorter talks by the participants.

  • narender kumar
    • 1
      Minimalistic axion monodromy with an ultra-light throat mode
      Speaker: Jakob Moritz
    • 10:50
    • 2
      Effective action from M-theory on twisted connected sum G2-manifolds
      Speaker: Thaisa Guio
    • 3
      One-loop Pfaffians and Chaotic Inflation in String Theory
      Speaker: Clemens Wieck
    • 4
      CP violation with an unbroken CP transformation
      Speaker: Andreas Trautner
    • 5
      Weak Gravity Conjecture and the Axionic Black Hole Paradox
      Speaker: Pablo Soler
    • 6
      Orientifolds of Warped Throats from Toric Calabi-Yau Singularities
      Speaker: Ander Retolaza
    • 14:40
    • 7
      Effective field theory for magnetic compactifications
      Speaker: Markus Dierigl
    • 8
      Yukawa Couplings from D-Branes on non-factorisable Tori
      Speaker: Christoph Liyanage
    • 9
      String Interactions from 2D Gauge Theory Localisation
      Speaker: Urmi Ninad
    • 16:20
    • 10
      What is the Magnetic Weak Gravity Conjecture for Axions?
      Speaker: Philipp Henkenjohann
    • 11
      Deformations, Moduli Stabilisation and Loop-Corrected Gauge Couplings for Particle Physics on D-Branes
      Speaker: Gabriele Honecker
    • 12
      An introduction to Double and Exceptional Field Theory
      Speaker: David Berman
    • 13
      Non-geometric backgrounds in string theory
      Speaker: Erik Plauschinn
    • 11:00
    • 14
      Complex structures and zero-curvature conditions for sigma-models
      Speaker: Dmitri Bykov
    • 15
      Superconformal index of N = 3 orientifold theories
      Speaker: Shuichi Yokoyama
    • 12:30
    • 16
      Gravitational Waves and Black Holes 1
      Speaker: Alex Nielsen
    • 17
      Loops in exceptional field theory
      Speaker: Axel Kleinschmidt
    • 18
      Interactions of higher-spin fields
      Speaker: Karapet Mkrtchyan
    • 11:00
    • 19
      Maximal Supersymmetric Solutions in Supergravity
      Speaker: Severin Lüst
    • 20
      AdS vacua from type IIB supergravity
      Speaker: Constantin Muranaka
    • 21
      Modularity and integrality in F-theory compactifications on CY 4-folds
      Speaker: Cesar Alberto Fierro Cota
    • 12:30
    • 22
      Quiver gauge theories from 6d superconformal gauge theories
      Speaker: Babak Haghighat
    • 23
      Tensor Galileons and Gravity
      Speaker: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
    • 24
      Lessons from manyfield inflation
      Speaker: Mafalda Dias
    • 25
      A general framework for testing models of inflation
      Speaker: Jonathan Frazer
    • 16:00
    • 26
      F-theory on Quotient Manifolds
      Speaker: Paul-Konstantin Oehlmann
    • 27
      N=(2,2) supersymmetric WZW models in superspace
      Speaker: Sibylle Driezen
    • 28
      Nearly AdS2 Supergravity
      Speaker: Iris Golla
    • 29
      Quantum Integrable Models in the AdS/CFT correspondence
      Speaker: Gleb Arutyunov
    • 30
      Gravitational Waves and Black Holes 2
      Speaker: Alex Nielsen
    • 11:00
    • 31
      Higher spin at one loop and AdS/CFT in fractional dimension
      Speaker: Tung Tran
    • 32
      Resurgence and integrable deformations
      Speaker: Saskia Demulder
    • 33
      No Go Theorems for Strings and Quantum Fields
      Speaker: Norbert Dragon
    • 12:30
    • 34
      Speaker: TBA TBA