XVI. DESY Research Course 2017 – Nanoscience at modern X-ray sources

DESY Hamburg

DESY Hamburg

++++++++IMPORTANT UPDATE+++++++++++
We are very sorry, but unfortunately the registration for the DESY Research Course 2017 is complete.
If you are still interested in joining the Research Course, please send an eMail to research-course-org@desy.de. We will put you on a waiting list.

The Course takes place in the FLASH seminar room (bldg. 28c, 2nd floor).

In recent years nanomaterials have become omnipresent in modern every-day life. Nanomaterials play an important role in various fields, ranging from catalysis, micro- and opto-electronics to cosmetics and medical applications. In order to understand structure and function on the nanoscale, scattering and spectroscopy techniques are widely used. Especially with the advent of X-ray Free-Electron Laser sources and the last generation of storage rings generating highly-brilliant X-ray beams, new experiments will extend our knowledge of these materials.
The 16th DESY Research Course will provide an introduction to the recent developments in the field of Nanoscience. Special attention will be paid on modern experimental techniques and scientific applications, with a particular focus on progress of X-ray scattering and spectroscopy. The course addresses master and PhD students, young research fellows, as well as interested scientists.
Registration is free of charge.

Confirmed speakers:
R. Blick, UHH
G. Falkenberg, DESY
W. Hansen, UHH
S. Hruszkewycz, ANL, Chicago
U. Landman, Gatech, Atlanta
H.F. Poulsen, DTU, Lyngby
O. Schmidt, IFW Dresden
T. Schroeder, IHP, Frankfurt/Oder
M. Sprung, DESY
A. Stierle, DESY
H. Weller, UHH

Topics include:
Nanomembranes and nano dots
Surfaces and Interfaces
Theory and experiment: combined approaches
Modern X-ray sources for nanoscience studies
The agenda of this meeting is empty