3–5 Apr 2017
Convention Centre by the Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

Dark matter from hidden gauge symmetry

Not scheduled
Major conference room (Convention Centre by the Observatory)

Major conference room

Convention Centre by the Observatory

Georg-August University Geismar Landstraße 11 37083 Göttingen Germany


Dr Takashi Toma (Technische Universität München)


Many models of Higgs portal dark matter find themselves under pressure from increasingly tight direct detection constraints. In the framework of gauge field dark matter, we study how such bounds can be relaxed while retaining the thermal WIMP paradigm. When the hidden sector gauge symmetry is broken via the Higgs mechanism, the hidden sector generally contains unstable states which are lighter than dark matter. These states provide dark matter with an efficient annihilation channel. As a result, the dark matter relic abundance and the direct detection limits are controlled by different parameters, and the two can easily be reconciled. This simple setup realizes the idea of 'secluded' dark matter naturally. In addition, we show that multi-component dark matter particles naturally emerge from the hidden gauge symmetry with CP conservation, which give interesting phenomenology of dark matter.

Primary author

Dr Takashi Toma (Technische Universität München)

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