3–5 Apr 2017
Convention Centre by the Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

Black holes and axions stars

Not scheduled
Major conference room (Convention Centre by the Observatory)

Major conference room

Convention Centre by the Observatory

Georg-August University Geismar Landstraße 11 37083 Göttingen Germany


Dr Katy Clough (Goettingen)


In the paper arXiv:1609.04724, shortly to be published in JCAP, we studied, for the first time, collapse of axion stars numerically using the full non-linear Einstein equations of general relativity and the full non-perturbative cosine potential. We identified three regions of the parameter space: i) long-lived oscillating axion star solutions, with a base frequency modulated by self-interactions, ii) collapse to a BH and iii) complete dispersal due to gravitational cooling and interactions. Using full 3+1 Numerical Relativity, many open problems which defy a perturbative approach can be solved, including the behaviour of the axion field around highly spinning black holes. I will briefly discuss the results in our paper and future directions.

Primary author

Dr Katy Clough (Goettingen)

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