With its ultra-low emittance and dramatic increase in degree of coherence PETRA IV will provide unprecedented experimental possibilities for coherence application techniques.
This workshop is intended to bring together experts from fields as X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS), Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging (CXDI), X-ray ptychography, and X-ray Cross-Correlation Analysis (XCCA) to discuss the impact of the upgrade to PETRA IV for the respective fields.
The goal of this workshop is to illuminate scientific cases related to coherence applications that can be addressed by the increased coherent flux at PETRA IV for characterization of dynamical and structural properties of materials.
This workshop is intended to bring together experts from fields as X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS), Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging (CXDI), X-ray ptychography, and X-ray Cross-Correlation Analysis (XCCA) to discuss the impact of the upgrade to PETRA IV for the respective fields.
The goal of this workshop is to illuminate scientific cases related to coherence applications that can be addressed by the increased coherent flux at PETRA IV for characterization of dynamical and structural properties of materials.
Organized by Gerhard Grübel and Ivan Vartaniants
For organisational issues please contact petra4-workshops-orga@desy.de