19–21 Jul 2017
DESY, Zeuthen
Europe/Berlin timezone

SP1: OCELOT as a Framework for Beam Dynamics Simulations of X-Ray Sources

20 Jul 2017, 10:00
SR3 (DESY, Zeuthen)


DESY, Zeuthen

Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen Germany
Speedposter_Beam Dynamics and Photon Sources Speed-Posterpresentation: Beam Dynamics and Photon Sources


Dr Sergey Tomin (European XFEL)


OCELOT is an open source toolkit for beam dynamics and free electron laser simulations written in Python. Recently the main collective effects (space charge, coherent synchrotron radiation, wakefield) were implemented in OCELOT. In developing of the full-dimensional numerical modeling we pursue two important competitive aspects: the simulation has to be fast and has to include accurate estimations of collective effects. The simulation results for the European XFEL are presented. The results have been benchmarked against other codes and some of such benchmarks are shown.

Primary author

Dr Sergey Tomin (European XFEL)


Dr Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL) Dr Igor Zagorodnov (DESY) Dr Ilya Agapov (DESY) Dr Martin Dohlus (DESY)

Presentation materials