Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Astrophysical objects in the laboratory
Ulf Zastrau(European XFEL Schenefeld, Germany)
CFEL, Bldg. 99 (DESY Hamburg)
CFEL, Bldg. 99
DESY Hamburg
The advent of the first free-electron X-ray lasers (XFELs), FLASH in 2004 and LCLS in 2009, may prove to be the most profound development since the invention of the laser and, equally, the synchrotron. High-Energy Density (HED) science at European XFEL will soon allow scientists to reproduce and study matter commonly found in planets in - and beyond - our solar system. The talk will focus on how physicists will use XFELs to gain knowledge about the interior of planets such as Earth and Jupiter.