27–31 Aug 2018
LVH, Luisenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Investigating Particle Acceleration in Star Forming Regions in the Cygnus Constellation with HAWC

29 Aug 2018, 15:00
-4- Robert Koch

-4- Robert Koch

Talk Galactic Galactic Science


Binita Hona (Michigan Technological University)


Massive Star clusters and Super bubbles in star forming regions (SFRs) have been postulated as possible sources of cosmic rays in our galaxy. At the interaction sites of stellar winds of O type stars, charged particles can be accelerated to TeV energies. One possible example of this is a Fermi-LAT cocoon, an extended region of gamma-ray emission detected by Fermi-LAT and attributed to a cocoon of freshly accelerated cosmic rays (CRs) in the SFR region of Cygnus X near OB2 association. So far, the cocoon has been only detected at GeV energies. The HAWC observatory has detected a TeV gamma-ray source 2HWC J2031+415 co-located with the cocoon. Spectral and Morphological studies of the region with HAWC and Fermi-LAT data reveal the HAWC source as a likely counterpart of the cocoon. The cocoon spectrum extends from GeV to TeV range. Using HAWC data, we are the first to measure a cut off in the TeV emission associated with an SFR.

Primary author

Binita Hona (Michigan Technological University)


Dr Henrike Fleischhack (Michigan Technological University) Dr Petra Huentemeyer (Michigan Technological University)

Presentation materials