27–31 Aug 2018
LVH, Luisenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Hunting for neutrino sources with the Fermi-Large Area Telescope

27 Aug 2018, 11:30
-1- Lecture hall (LVH, Luisenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin)

-1- Lecture hall

LVH, Luisenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin

<a href="http://www.langenbeck-virchow-haus.de/" target="_blank"><b>LANGENBECK VIRCHOW HAUS</b></a> Luisenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin
Talk Plenary Neutrino Astronomy


Dr Sara Buson (NASA-GSFC)


on behalf of the Fermi-LAT coll.

Primary author

Dr Sara Buson (NASA-GSFC)

Presentation materials