Formulating statistical equilibrium in background independent settings, where the standard notions of time and energy are absent, is an open issue. This is even more so in non-perturbative quantum gravity contexts which are not based on the usual geometrical spacetime, which then is an emergent structure. In this talk, I will clarify the different characterisations of Gibbs statistical equilibrium, focussing on those crucial for background independent (such as, time-less) systems. I will then present the relevant basics of the group field theory formalism for quantum gravity, whose fundamental quanta are non-spatiotemporal ‘atoms’ or building blocks of space, organised in a Fock space along with its quantum statistical mechanics. Based on this, one can construct Gibbs states encoding different notions of equilibrium. In this talk, I will present one such example of a non-standard Gibbs state based on a geometric volume operator, which supports condensation to a low-spin phase.