XVII. DESY Research Course 2018 โ€“ Trends in Water Research

FLASH seminar room, Bldg. 28c (DESY Hamburg)

FLASH seminar room, Bldg. 28c

DESY Hamburg


Water is unambiguously the most important liquid on earth, being an essential for development of life. Thus, it is in the focus of geoscience, physics, chemistry, and biology for decades. Water is unique not only because of its life-bearing importance, but it shows a variety of anomalies of many physical properties. Many of those are ubiquitous in our daily life, e.g. the density anomalies and the high surface tension. These anomalies arise from the complex hydrogen bond network of liquid water which is subject of current research.

The 17th DESY Research Course will provide an introduction into the recent developments in the field of Water Research. The aim is to give an overview on current trends in theory, simulation and experiments of water as well as provide a platform for stimulating discussions on the future of the scientific field. Special attention will be paid on modern experimental techniques, with a particular focus on progress of X-ray scattering and spectroscopy, as well as connections between simulation, theory and experiment.

The first three days of the course addresses master and PhD students, young research fellows, as well as interested scientists. The fourth day is organized as an international symposium focussing on possibilities and strategies for water research at DESY.

Registration is free of charge and should be made not later than February 16, 2018.



Gerhard Grübel

Felix Lehmkühler

Matthias Kreuzeder


Confirmed speakers:

Research Course (February 26 - 28, 2018)

Christian Bressler, European XFEL

Thomas Elsaesser, MBI Berlin

Michael Fröba, Hamburg University

Stephan Klemme, Münster University

Thomas Kühne, Paderborn University

Jochen Küpper, DESY/Hamburg University

Hanns-Peter Liermann, DESY

Thomas Loerting, Innsbruck University

Giulio Monaco, University of Trento

Bridget Murphy, Kiel University

Arwen Pearson, Hamburg University/CFEL

Lars Pettersson, Stockholm University

Robin Santra, DESY/Hamburg University

Melanie Schnell, DESY/Kiel University

Simone Techert, DESY/Göttingen University


Symposium (March 1st, 2018)

Paola Gallo, Rome University

Peter Hamm, Zürich University

Dwayne Miller, MPSD

Lars Pettersson, Stockholm University

Sander Woutersen, University of Amsterdam

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