
PHASE, a software package for propagation of coherent radiation

by Johannes Bahrdt, Helmholtzzentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie

AER 19, R. 4.14

AER 19, R. 4.14

Fourth generation light sources are dedicated to the production of coherent radiation, and techniques for a photon beam propagation have to be adopted to the new challenges. The software package PHASE comprises various physical optics and geometric optics propagation methods. The main feature is a wavefront propagator based on the stationary phase approximation. Fourier optics propagators are included as well and even ray tracing tools with an automated beamline optimization are available. PHASE offers two interfaces to the user, Motif and IDL. The talk will concentrate on the stationary phase approximation but other approaches will be discussed as well. Examples related to modern light sources will be given.
Presentation Slides