DESY Symposium on Water Research 2018

FLASH seminar room, Bldg. 28c (DESY, Hamburg)

FLASH seminar room, Bldg. 28c

DESY, Hamburg

Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg

Water is unambiguously the most important liquid on earth, being an essential for development of life. Thus, it is in the focus of geoscience, physics, chemistry, and biology for decades. Water is unique not only because of its life-bearing importance, but it shows a variety of anomalies of many physical properties. Many of those are ubiquitous in our daily life, e.g. the density anomalies and the high surface tension. These anomalies arise from the complex hydrogen bond network of liquid water which is subject of current research.

The DESY Symposium on Water Research comprises contributions from international experts in the field of water research. It shall foster strategies and activities for water research at DESY.

The Symposium concludes a Water Science Week at DESY starting with the DESY Research Course 2018 on "Trends in Water Research". More details can be found on the Course' homepage:


Paola Gallo, Rome University

Peter Hamm, Zürich University

Dwayne Miller, MPSD

Lars Pettersson, Stockholm University

Sander Woutersen, University of Amsterdam

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