
Photon Booster

by Dr Maik Frede (neoLase GmbH)

SR I (99 (Cfel) Ground Floor)


99 (Cfel) Ground Floor

Notkestrasse 85 22607 Hamburg
Optical amplifier systems are used to boost pulse energy or average power of weak laser sources. A modular and flexible amplifier concept will be presented that demonstrated his potential in a wide field of scientific and industrial applications. This includes lasers for gravitational wave detection, high energy spectroscopy or laser ranging systems as well as MOPA systems for micromachining applications. The end-pumped technology allow for several ten Millijoule pulse energy, output power level of more than 100W and down to a few hundred femtoseconds in pulse duration. Fundamental wavelength ranges are 1 and 2µm as well as frequency converted systems.