DESY/Hamburg U. String Theory Seminar

Decoding a conformal manifold

by Marco Baggio (KU Leuven)



In this talk I describe a one-dimensional complex conformal manifold that characterizes the infrared dynamics of a three-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric theory of three chiral superfields with a cubic superpotential. The manifold of fixed points interpolates between the well-known XYZ model and three decoupled copies of the critical Wess-Zumino model. The resulting family of CFTs enjoys a duality group of order 24, which puts strong constraints on the operator spectrum, OPE coefficients and the global topology of the conformal manifold. The 4 − epsilon expansion and the numerical conformal bootstrap are used to verify the predictions from duality and calculate the conformal dimensions and OPE coefficients of low-lying operators.