20 July 2018
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.

The THz pump probe beamline at FLASH XUV FEL at DESY in Hamburg and the TELBE THz facility at HZDR in Dresden are the world-wide first photon user facilties that provide narrow-band tunable THz pulses from superradiant undulator sources for experiments studying coherent THz control of matter. Together they provide Carrier Envelope Phase (CEP) stable THz pulses with unique spectral densities, tunable between 0.1 and 30 THz allowing to selectively address low energy degrees of freedom with THz pulse energies up to the 100 µJ regime. The currently available experimental opportunities at TELBE and FLASH are presented in subsequent separate sessions. Participants will be asked to contribute to discussions on future upgrade plans both at TELBE and FLASH.

The number of participants is limited to 30.

DESY Hamburg
Bldg. 1b, seminar room 4a