26–28 Sept 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

THz spectral characterization at FLASH1: Lamellar Grating Interferometer

27 Sept 2018, 11:00
1h 30m
Seminar room 201, building 114 (HZDR)

Seminar room 201, building 114


Poster DIAGNOSTICS Poster Session


Ms Ekaterina Zapolnova (DESY)


Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) employs a unique FEL scheme which provides naturally synchronized X-ray and intense THz pulses, generated from the same electron bunch, enabling the performance of exciting THz-XUV pump-probe experiments. Characterization of the spectrum has a high priority in many experiments. We have designed a spectrometer to characterize the broadband intense THz pulses. Based on the lamellar grating geometry, our home-made FTIR spectrometer operates at frequencies 0.3 - 10 THz, which covers the most efficient range of FLASH1 THz source. We present the recent results and talk about perspectives for the implementation of the spectrometer as online tool at FLASH.

Primary author


Dr Nikola Stojanovic (DESY) Dr Rui Pan (DESY) Dr Torsten Golz (DESY)

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