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PIER Innovation Lunch Talk | Hidden Assumptions and Typical Pitfalls When Founding in Tech

by Florian Pithan (X-Spectrum GmbH)

CFEL SR1 (DESY Hamburg)


DESY Hamburg

What does “sales” mean in reality? Where should I set my priorities: sell what I have or develop the next product? And what typical errors can I avoid when founding in tech? These and other questions will be answered by Florian Pithan, co-founder and marketing manager of the DESY spin-off X-Spectrum GmbH during the next PIER Innovation Lunch Talk. Join us for a get-together after the talk, discuss further questions with the speaker and meet like-minded fellow researchers. Free refreshments and snacks will be provided. Date: 25 June 2018, 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. Venue: CFEL, SR1 To facilitate our planning, please register by email until Wednesday, 20 June 2018 (