XAFS Hands on course

Bldg. 25f, room 456; bldg. 46g, room 1O.031 (DESY, Hamburg)

Bldg. 25f, room 456; bldg. 46g, room 1O.031

DESY, Hamburg


X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) Spectroscopy is an important analytical tool at synchrotron radiation facilities. It can reveal important information on the local atomic structure and on the chemical valence of the absorbing atom in solids, liquids, and gases. Due to the high versatility, this method finds applications in physics, chemistry, biology, material, environmental and earth sciences, and even in the study of cultural heritage.

This introductory XAFS course is aimed at new-comers from academia and industry with little or no prior experience with XAFS. Participants will gain theoretical and practical knowledge to judge the applicability of XAFS spectroscopy for their specific scientific problem, and to perform experiments and evaluate the data on their own.

The theory part of the workshop will include lessons about the underlying physics of XAFS, instrumentation and sample preparation techniques and an in-depth introduction into XAFS data evaluation using the FEFF and Demeter codes. Two days at beamlines P64 and P65 are reserved for hands -on experiments including an in-situ experiment on a model catalyst sample.

The course is already booked out, and we cannot accept any further registrations!

Organizers: Wolfgang Caliebe, Edmund Welter
