26–28 Nov 2018
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.

Welcome to the 12th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on "Physics at the Terascale"! As in the past 11 years, the workshop will offer a rich programme of stimulating plenary talks and parallel sessions full of intense discussion on topics connected to the LHC, linear colliders, and Belle. The following parallel sessions will be held:
- Higgs physics
- Searches
- Top physics
- B physics
- Standard Model physics
- Linear Collider Forum
- Computing

Parallel sessions will take place on Tuesday, the plenary session is planned for Wednesday, and  the workshop dinner will take place on Tuesday evening.

On Monday we will have two additional sessions: the machine session of the Linear Collider Forum and a session to introduce iTHEPHY (https://www.ithephy.eu) — innovative team teaching for high energy physics — is a strategic partnership between institutes and universities from Italy, France and Germany (Bologna, INFN, Clermont-Ferrand, CNRS, Dortmund, DESY), funded under EU-Erasmus plus that aims at preparing a interactive learning platform for professors and students alike.

DESY Hamburg
The workshop fee is 30 Euros and has to be paid cash at the registration desk.